Monday, November 2, 2009

Rebels DC Game

Last week, Cristian had his last game of the season which ended with a victory and a District Champ title. The Rebels beat the MacCullum Knights 21-2. Go Rebs!!!
Cristian is #61, while one of his best buddies, Jared is #2.

Click here to view these pictures larger

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Little Drummer Boy

OK -- So, the quality of these two videos is probably the worst possible, but all I had to capture the moment and all I had was my phone on me. Needless to say, the lighting is horrible and the sound is just as bad.

Every time I grab the camera to capture this sort of thing, Lukas always stops what he's doing and becomes much more interested in the camera.

The point is: Lukas loves playing the drums. I can't say where he picked it up from because no one in the house EVER does what he does (for him to copy). As I recorded this, I thought above all, Jude (and maybe Nelson) would be the one the get the biggest kick seeing their nephew show the tendencies of a young rock star.

Biggest thing to note here is his form :-) (as if I knew anything about drumming).

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Time is short

This past week I had another one of those moments where I came face-to-face with the fact that time goes by a lot quicker than I'd like.

On Wednesday, Juan and I went to Cristian's back-to-school night. It's not something new to me. I did it last year and every single year that Cris has been in Austin. But this year, it hit me that I have two more of these left with him. After that, there will be no more back-to-school nights. I won't get to meet his teachers. I won't get to visit any tables to see how I can get involved at Cris' school. Or visit with organizations that might be a good fit for Cris. I won't get to hear from his teachers that he's a joy to have and look forward to a year with him. Or will I get to meet some of the friends that don't get to spend the night at our home or get to invite to dinners.

Two more of these evenings left for me. And that's it.

After that, I won't get much info from anyone if it's not directly from Cris. I won't get the chance to keep up with his grades or will I get a night to meet all his teachers at once, or perhaps at all.

And then, before I could get too teary-eyed, I had Lukas' back-to-school evening the following day. An event that let me know that I have a full, entire academic career to look forward to with Lukas.

On this night, I got to hear about what Lukas and his "class-mates" are doing: playing with sand; working in the school garden, moving from the small playground to the big playground, walking around the school barefoot, learning not to use sippy cups, dancing to music during movement & music class, playing with shaving cream, getting ready for potty-training and learning to sit at the table to eat.

It's incredible to think that even with so much to look forward to with Lukas, already I can't believe how fast he's growing. He's gone from the Bumblebee infant room to the 2-year-old Dragonflies room at Open Door in a blink of an eye.

Here's just a few pics of Lukas working hard at "school":

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yes. I'm still alive.

Wow. I’m officially the world’s worst blogger.

Looking back at the one and only blog I’ve ever posted, in my defense, I know that my original intent to keep this site updated with the most current news, was indeed sincere.

Little did I know that for an entire year, I would feel beyond overwhelmed with work and the ongoing (yet, hopefully finally almost-over) family court issue aforementioned in my earlier blog.

That said, it’s a year later and my boys are a year older.

Cristian is turning out to be a wonderful young man who is full of angst thanks to all the court issues and the burdens that have come with them. He’ll be 16 in November. He’s huge; my big teddy bear.

Lukas is settling into his terrible-twos stage. He’s very strong willed, curious and is a great deal of fun. He loves his daddy. Is a music maniac. In true boy fashion, he can’t get enough of cars and planes. He loves our dog, Jackson and absolutely adores his big brother.

I hope that next week, we’ll finally be done with family court and I’ll feel less stress. (Which would follow suit to last week’s announcement that the Statesman was taken off the market – which also had me totally stressed out).

Wish our family luck. And I promise to be more conscious about not neglecting my blog.