Wow. I’m officially the world’s worst blogger.
Looking back at the one and only blog I’ve ever posted, in my defense, I know that my original intent to keep this site updated with the most current news, was indeed sincere.
Little did I know that for an entire year, I would feel beyond overwhelmed with work and the ongoing (yet, hopefully finally almost-over) family court issue aforementioned in my earlier blog.
That said, it’s a year later and my boys are a year older.
Cristian is turning out to be a wonderful young man who is full of angst thanks to all the court issues and the burdens that have come with them. He’ll be 16 in November. He’s huge; my big teddy bear.
Lukas is settling into his terrible-twos stage. He’s very strong willed, curious and is a great deal of fun. He loves his daddy. Is a music maniac. In true boy fashion, he can’t get enough of cars and planes. He loves our dog, Jackson and absolutely adores his big brother.
I hope that next week, we’ll finally be done with family court and I’ll feel less stress. (Which would follow suit to last week’s announcement that the Statesman was taken off the market – which also had me totally stressed out).
Wish our family luck. And I promise to be more conscious about not neglecting my blog.