Saturday, October 10, 2009

Little Drummer Boy

OK -- So, the quality of these two videos is probably the worst possible, but all I had to capture the moment and all I had was my phone on me. Needless to say, the lighting is horrible and the sound is just as bad.

Every time I grab the camera to capture this sort of thing, Lukas always stops what he's doing and becomes much more interested in the camera.

The point is: Lukas loves playing the drums. I can't say where he picked it up from because no one in the house EVER does what he does (for him to copy). As I recorded this, I thought above all, Jude (and maybe Nelson) would be the one the get the biggest kick seeing their nephew show the tendencies of a young rock star.

Biggest thing to note here is his form :-) (as if I knew anything about drumming).