Friday, February 5, 2010

The sick get weary

This week has been pretty tiring. I was out most of the week taking care of the little one. Lukas had pneumonia along with two ear infections. Needless to say, he wasn't a happy camper.

So, what was the upside to this week, at least for me? I'm finally "mommy". Though Lukas on occasion still calls me "G" (a name he apparently thought was appropriate for ALL moms), he mostly calls me mommy now. YAY.

Along with mommy, Lukas has developed an extensive vocabulary, and bilingual at that. It's really cute to hear him repeat something in Spanish if he feels you didn't understand him in English the first few times he wants something, like a bath at 3 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon.

As for Cristian: he had a very bumpy start of the school year - and while it's not as pretty as I'd like it to be for him, this semester he seems to be doing better. Let's just hope he finds that rhythm to get back where we all know he needs to be.

Proudest moment so far: his choosing to drop football for a journalism class -- one in which, I may add, that he is exceeding.

For the moment, here's a snapshot of Lukas taken by his teacher at school last month: